quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2015

Office Web Apps 2013: Impossível abrir arquivos com a extensão XLS

Eu trabelhei esses dias na análise de um caso interessante: o OWA (Office Web Apps 2013) não abriu arquivos com a extensão XLS. O problema estava limitada a extensão XLS e não ocorreu com a versão mais recente (XLSX).

A resolução final foi habilitar o serviço do Firewall do Windows (MpsSvc), pois alguns produtos como por exemplo o Excel utilizam o serviço.

“If you tried to install Windows Essentials, but received error code 0x800706d9 or 0x80070643, you may need to turn on Windows Firewall. Windows Firewall is a program included with Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 that monitors all of the data coming into and going out of your computer. Some programs included in Windows Essentials can only be installed if Windows Firewall is turned on.” 

Evento na interface:
“Não sabemos o que aconteceu, mas houve algum erro. Você poderia tentar novamente?”
("We don't know what happened, but something went wrong. Could you please try that again?")

Os eventos encontrados no log do OWA:
Failed to create AppContainer profile: 0x800706d9

ExcelService.PostProcessRequest: Excel Server Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to create XLS converter process, Hr=-2147467259
at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.BaseWorkbook.<LoadWorkbookJobAsync>d__18.MoveNext()
at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.AsyncManager.Continue(Object ar) System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to create XLS converter process, Hr=-2147467259
at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.BaseWorkbook.<LoadWorkbookJobAsync>d__18.MoveNext()
at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.AsyncManager.Continue(Object ar) StackTrace:
at uls.native.dll: (sig=53fdbc46-a3b4-42e3-b44b-f74a4e17fa48|2|uls.native.pdb, offset=26EA2)
at uls.native.dll: (offset=1F865)

Watson bucket parameters: Uninitialized ULS, ULSException14, 86423e32 "excel web app", 0f0011a5 "15.0.4517.0", e6cb4d65 "microsoft.office.excel.server.calculationserver", 0f0011a5 "15.0.4517.0", 51a73998 "thu may 30 04:35:52 2013", 0000121a "0000121a", 00000252 "00000252", 54e7243f "invalidoperationexception", 65636931 "eci1"

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